As Gilbert looks to become the City of the Future, we try to find ways to engage our residents with their local government so that they can provide us with their feedback and we can respond. Gilbert 311 is one way that we ask residents to interact with us so we can be transparent and update the community. It is a service request tool where residents can submit quality-of-life requests directly to our staff and follow along as their requests are resolved.
Resident to Government
Residents can submit service requests to Gilbert 311 for all kinds of services including pothole repair, trash and recycling container repair, street light outages, and more! Service requests can be submitted to Gilbert 311 in a few different ways:
- Using the Gilbert 311 app on their mobile device, available in the App Store and on Google Play
- Through our Gilbert 311 portal on our website
- Directly through SeeClickFix’s Gilbert portal
Once a request is submitted to Gilbert 311, residents can see requests reported near them, vote on existing requests from other residents, and even comment on requests.
Government to Resident
In an effort to increase transparency around service requests, Gilbert 311 information is publicly available for residents to view and use:
- From our Gilbert 311 portal on our website, residents can see all public service requests on a map
- Residents can download a spreadsheet of the latest Gilbert 311 data (the latest 90 days) from our Open Data Portal
- Residents can use the data directly via our Open311 API or our full Gilbert 311 API. For instructions on using the API, visit the API details page.